Part 1 of the Foundation series.

We discuss why we exercise and cover some of the physiology that governs how we recover and adapt to exercise and how and you can get the most benefit from doing so. 

Our approach is logical and has a clear method running throughout it. It is not random, or unclear and it means we can carefully plot out the projections for outcomes with the people we coach.

We begin with the rationale behind why we should all be exercising.

The medical benefits to our health and bodies, as well as our appearance.

We then discuss common presenting problems and why our clients seek us out. 
They range from weight management to pain problems, sporting excellence and the one conduit that runs throughout is the understanding that they would like to age healthily.

We then make the case for resistance training and explain clearly why strength training is not just for elite athletes, but also for everyday people that need to be able to perform the most general of  tasks in their lives.

We then go on to explain the concept of stress, recovery and adaptation. This subject has been covered in detail in its own podcast.
However we briefly go over this important concept which affects all form of training when results are required to be produced.

This stands for the specific adaptation to imposed demands.

We explain the importance of this phrase which means that many other systems and marketing for those systems that may purport to generate a health or strength outcome cannot always do so Past the point of what we described as the novice affect.

The novice affect applies to a person who is detrained or has been not exercising for quite some time, when this person takes up almost any form of physical activity virtually anything they do will work and be effective initially. BUT this is only limited to a short window at first. After which long or medium term progress cannot be attained in strength development.

It is this principle of novices that clever marketers often use And get away with in their marketing literature.

However we explain where the notice affect would not be valid after a relatively brief period of time at which point in order to truly adapt and make onwards progression, which would be anything after just a couple of short weeks of doing a basic exercise system, then onwards planning is needed in the way the proper strength training offers.

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Mike & Byron