Do you have a coaching culture in your business? If not, would you like to find out how to develop one? Today, we bring you a conversation with Lisa Kramer, Dr. Sabrina's very first coach. Lisa recently came on board at Tap the Potential, to facilitate the Leadership Mastermind Program. 

Lisa has a free-spirited personality. She's an out-of-the-box thinker, she sees things differently, and she is a master of creating coaching cultures in businesses. In the Leadership Mastermind, she supports the business owners and team leaders who have taken the Coach Approach at Tap the Potential, and she assists them in using what they have learned to create strong coaching cultures in their businesses. Tune in today, to find out more.

Lisa Kramer is the founder and president of Leading with Intention. Since transitioning to full time coaching in 2002, Lisa has successfully coached business leaders and managers, and she has served as a mentor-coach and coach trainer for hundreds of coaches worldwide. Lisa is an intuitive listener who combines gentle directness and powerful questions that generate new insight and growth.

Her passion for coaching emerged from a successful career in clinical social work and social work education. Lisa is currently on the faculty of the University of Texas at Dallas Master’s Program in Organizational Behavior and Executive Coaching where she teaches, supervises and assesses both internal and external coaches. She also serves as a leadership coach for MBA students at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Lisa received her master’s degree in social work from the University of Pennsylvania and her coaching certification from the Coaches Training Institute. She is also a certified Kripalu yoga instructor, an avid cyclist, and she loves all kinds of dancing.

Lisa is the Facilitator of Tap the Potential’s Leadership Mastermind

Show Highlights:

Dr. Sabrina explains why she chose to hire Lisa as her mentor-coach sixteen years ago.  Lisa combines coaching skills and powerful questioning with the mindset of curiosity as a way of life. How Lisa got into coaching.  Lisa created the Coach Approach Program. Lisa and Dr. Sabrina co-taught the course with Dr. Sabrina’s clients and from that, Dr. Sabrina adapted the program for small business owners and their leadership teams.  Lisa explains what a Coach Approach is, and what it means to have a coaching culture in the workplace. Lisa's experience of the difference between a coaching culture and a typical business environment. Learning to speak up in a way that the other person can hear it. Sharing observations, rather than putting a judgment onto something, happens within a coaching culture. The way that feedback is given within a coaching culture. Putting heads and hearts together to come up with the most effective solution. What the Choice Map™ illustrates for us and how it works. Coaching the uncoachable. The difference between a gossip and a conversation to help a person get clear about what's going to help them move forward. Steering clear of taking on problems that aren't yours to solve. Why the listener needs to have compassionate detachment. Why coaches need coaches.  Lisa talks about the value of having supportive retreats and monthly meetings with friends. Lisa talks about intuition. She explains how we can learn to access our intuition. The incredible benefits of meditation. Some ways to work past your fears. Learning to manage your self-care. Being intentional in designing a lifestyle and career that supports you.

Do you have a coaching culture in your business? If not, would you like to find out how to develop one? Today, we bring you a conversation with Lisa Kramer, Dr. Sabrina's very first coach. Lisa recently came on board at Tap the Potential, to facilitate the Leadership Mastermind Program. 

Lisa has a free-spirited personality. She's an out-of-the-box thinker, she sees things differently, and she is a master of creating coaching cultures in businesses. In the Leadership Mastermind, she supports the business owners and team leaders who have taken the Coach Approach at Tap the Potential, and she assists them in using what they have learned to create strong coaching cultures in their businesses. Tune in today, to find out more.

Lisa Kramer is the founder and president of Leading with Intention. Since transitioning to full time coaching in 2002, Lisa has successfully coached business leaders and managers, and she has served as a mentor-coach and coach trainer for hundreds of coaches worldwide. Lisa is an intuitive listener who combines gentle directness and powerful questions that generate new insight and growth.

Her passion for coaching emerged from a successful career in clinical social work and social work education. Lisa is currently on the faculty of the University of Texas at Dallas Master’s Program in Organizational Behavior and Executive Coaching where she teaches, supervises and assesses both internal and external coaches. She also serves as a leadership coach for MBA students at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Lisa received her master’s degree in social work from the University of Pennsylvania and her coaching certification from the Coaches Training Institute. She is also a certified Kripalu yoga instructor, an avid cyclist, and she loves all kinds of dancing.

Lisa is the Facilitator of Tap the Potential’s Leadership Mastermind

Show Highlights:

Dr. Sabrina explains why she chose to hire Lisa as her mentor-coach sixteen years ago.  Lisa combines coaching skills and powerful questioning with the mindset of curiosity as a way of life. How Lisa got into coaching.  Lisa created the Coach Approach Program. Lisa and Dr. Sabrina co-taught the course with Dr. Sabrina’s clients and from that, Dr. Sabrina adapted the program for small business owners and their leadership teams.  Lisa explains what a Coach Approach is, and what it means to have a coaching culture in the workplace. Lisa's experience of the difference between a coaching culture and a typical business environment. Learning to speak up in a way that the other person can hear it. Sharing observations, rather than putting a judgment onto something, happens within a coaching culture. The way that feedback is given within a coaching culture. Putting heads and hearts together to come up with the most effective solution. What the Choice Map™ illustrates for us and how it works. Coaching the uncoachable. The difference between a gossip and a conversation to help a person get clear about what's going to help them move forward. Steering clear of taking on problems that aren't yours to solve. Why the listener needs to have compassionate detachment. Why coaches need coaches.  Lisa talks about the value of having supportive retreats and monthly meetings with friends. Lisa talks about intuition. She explains how we can learn to access our intuition. The incredible benefits of meditation. Some ways to work past your fears. Learning to manage your self-care. Being intentional in designing a lifestyle and career that supports you. It can be hard to ask for help sometimes, but it's worthwhile when we do.

Links and Resources:

Tap the Potential Coach Approach Program:

Tap the Potential Leadership Mastermind Program:


The Choice Map™ -

Connect with Lisa:


Book mentioned: The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier


Entrepreneur As Investor- How To Calculate Your Stock Price is being offered by Sir Stephen Wilkinson. The course starts on September 5th and there are only 15 spots available. Sir Stephen is offering special savings for you, the Profit by Designers. You can get into the course with 50% savings by using the code TAP2019. To access the course and learn about the details, go to 


Apply for the Small Group Coaching Program at Tap the Potential by going to 


Mentioned in this episode:

July Challenge

July Challenge

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