Does this sound familiar? You are on the hamster wheel, always working hard just to keep up with the demands of your business and trying to be everything to everyone—and still coming up short. This is a common scenario for entrepreneurs, but things CAN be different! In today’s episode, I’m diving into the mindset that is undermining us in our self-limiting beliefs and how our personality styles can contribute to the role strain that we experience as entrepreneurs. Join us to learn more!

Do you want to create more vacation time for yourself where you can fully unplug from your business? Would it help you to free up 10 or more hours each week? Would your life improve if you could pay yourself at least $50,000 more this year? If you’ve answered yes, yes, and yes, you need to sign up for our Better Business Better Life Jumpstart. Running from March 25-29, this free workshop shows you how to set up your business so that you can enjoy your life. What are you waiting for? Sign up today!

Profit by Design is a Tap the Potential Production.

Links and Resources

Let us help you plan for your 4 Week Vacation®️! We will analyze your business, diagnose the problems, and help you put the right systems in place. Book a call with us today! 

Get your copy of A Guide To Talking To Your Team About Profit!

Master your time and profit as you plan ahead for 2024! Give us 20 minutes of your time, take the Better Business

Better Life Assessment, and receive a free paperback copy of my book, The 4 Week Vacation®️.

Learn more about our courses, Coach Approach and Leadership Bootcamp at  

Join the Tap the Potential Community on Mighty Networks:   

Let us help you manage your time, your most valuable resource! Get your FREE copy of the Tap the Potential Strategic Planner for 2023 at

Download Dr. Sabrina’s Introductory Training: How to Make Your Time Worth $10,000 an Hour

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Register now for the Better Business Better Life Jumpstart