How do you create a healthy workplace culture where your team members want to stay around? If you have a healthy workplace culture, what do you need to do to preserve and protect it? Today’s guest has expert advice on creating AND maintaining the workplace culture we long to have—and it all comes down to leadership. Join us to learn more!

Russel Lolacher is an international speaker, podcaster, and advocate who helps leaders create great workplace cultures–and not destroy them. He is the creator and host of Relationships at Work: The Leadership Guide to Creating a Workplace We Love, a podcast and YouTube show that digs into timely and relevant topics with global experts on how to create healthy organizations. Russel has held successful leadership and communication roles in various organizations for almost 30 years, at one time retaining the same team for almost 12 years. His work and expertise in building employee and customer trust has been recognized on international stages by Forbes, Microsoft, and HootSuite, and he’s been recognized four times as a Top Thought Leader by the ICMI (International Customer Management Institute). 


Profit by Design is a Tap the Potential Production.


Show Highlights:

Why a longtime passion for relationship-based customer service is the driving force behind Russel’s work

Why our focus should shift to the human side over the productivity side of hiring

How leaders impact workplace culture for good AND bad from “air, land, and C levels”

Ways in which leaders and business owners inadvertently destroy their culture

How do you create a healthy workplace culture where your team members want to stay around? If you have a healthy workplace culture, what do you need to do to preserve and protect it? Today’s guest has expert advice on creating AND maintaining the workplace culture we long to have—and it all comes down to leadership. Join us to learn more!

Russel Lolacher is an international speaker, podcaster, and advocate who helps leaders create great workplace cultures–and not destroy them. He is the creator and host of Relationships at Work: The Leadership Guide to Creating a Workplace We Love, a podcast and YouTube show that digs into timely and relevant topics with global experts on how to create healthy organizations. Russel has held successful leadership and communication roles in various organizations for almost 30 years, at one time retaining the same team for almost 12 years. His work and expertise in building employee and customer trust has been recognized on international stages by Forbes, Microsoft, and HootSuite, and he’s been recognized four times as a Top Thought Leader by the ICMI (International Customer Management Institute). 


Profit by Design is a Tap the Potential Production.


Show Highlights:

Why a longtime passion for relationship-based customer service is the driving force behind Russel’s work

Why our focus should shift to the human side over the productivity side of hiring

How leaders impact workplace culture for good AND bad from “air, land, and C levels”

Ways in which leaders and business owners inadvertently destroy their culture

How to build trust in the workplace with psychological safety

Where to start if you are a bad leader and want to change

How to create a culture of personalization with your team members

Why the hiring process isn’t the end of the onboarding journey—but the beginning

How to use “thrive interviews” as part of a holistic approach

How to get Russel's free interview templates to use in onboarding and team building 

Links and Resources:

Connect with Russel Lolacher: Website, Relationships at Work podcast, and YouTube

Free Employee Journey Interviews - Enter (onboarding, Thrive (stay) and Exit Templates

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