Intro: My guest today is Lesley Jane Seymour.  Many of you may know her from her acclaimed career in magazine publishing, where she established herself as one of the industry’s  — if not one of our culture’s — most respected leaders.

Her experience in the media industry began early.  Before her leading roles as editor in chief, she worked as Beauty Director of Glamour and senior editor at Vogue.

She went on to be Editor in Chief of Marie Claire, Redbook , and YM. Under her leadership, they were all reshaped and transformed into something not only bigger — but greater.  

Most recently, until February, 2016 she served as Editor in chief of More magazine, where she notably won hundreds of awards and created history by having First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama guest edit an entire issue.

Beyond print, she used information and education she had access to at the magazines,  to call attention to issues that impact women around the world. Just a few of the programs she became involved include domestic violence, education for girls globally, and the eradication of hunger internationally.

She is now beginning a new chapter. Using her expertise, knowledge, and experience, she established Covey Club — an online/offline club for lifelong learners who want to continue connecting, reinventing and impacting the world. She’s a sustainability expert getting her Masters at Columbia, continuing to learn yet more herself.

Listen in for an episode filled with inspiration, honesty, laughter, and maybe even brief tears.


All the details of Covey Club — the online/offline club created by Lesley, where lifelong learners go to learn, get, and connect. Women in transition — what it means, how to prepare, what age it spans. (conversation on this both at the beginning and more at the end) Entrepreneurship — the nitty gritty: the risk, the fun, the challenge Connection and the importance of intimacy Depression and suicide at mid-life. Let’s get real about this. Stuff that matters. That’s right. No click bait. The surprising history of our current information and pricing model and why we’re in the predicament we’re in — and how we can get out of it. Threads and through lines of Lesley’s life. Lesley’s desire and mission to help women Calling all mentors — Women: let’s pay it forward, please. How Lesley navigates any “mind gremlins” (my term, not hers) How magazines opened a world for a child of divorce in the 60’s Her education and the path through marine biology to sustainability and now Why it’s never too late. Ways to make a difference — now. How Lesley Jane Seymour, maker of history, wants to be known.

… and so much more


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