Intro: In this episode, Jess Tholmer and I have another chat about intuition and make a couple announcements at the end of the conversation -- including shamelessly promote a live version of my intuition course this September (2019) via Zoom.

In their third interview together, Jess continues to ask Jan questions about intuition, largely inspired by our first interview on intuition, delving deeper into psychic phenomena and consciousness. 

Jan’s course on intuition, How to Hear What You Know, which was launched in 2017, will be offered for the first time with her teaching via Zoom, live.  It’s the first time ever, and perhaps the only time the course will be presented this way. 

Beginning September 10, 2019, it will run for four weeks. This special is the same price as the original recorded classes. The link to all the information and to sign up is:

We also announce our new Facebook group, Incidental Joy Seekers, that everyone is encouraged to join!

Listen in for some fun and join us! 


The  intuition guides or resources Jan recommends  Jan’s favorite books on intuition Jan’s definition of “psychic” and “intuitive”  Jan’s perspective on whether an intuitive person often feels drawn toward other intuitive people  How intuition connects with dreams and the subconscious  Which “sense” Jan classifies intuition as, if not the sixth sense.
Is there a “bad” way to talk to your intuition?
Jan shares examples of how to communicate with your intuition
Jan discusses whether or not she has an intuition guide, or person she is influenced by
We discuss what one can expect from the live intuition course  Jan tells us how she came up with the title, “How to Hear What You Know”  We announce our new Facebook group, “Incidental Joy Seekers” 


Jan’s intuition course: How to Hear What You Know — A Course on Developing Your Intuition to Practically Guide You Through Life Jan’s live intuition course of the same name Join our new Facebook group, Incidental Joy Seekers, to accomplish the big things in life by allowing the crucial small things by creating and sharing incidental joy Jan’s book, It’s Not That Complicated: How to Create a Personalized Template of Alignment Jan’s website Connect with Jan on: TwitterInstagram  | LinkedIn  | Facebook Connect with Jess on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook 

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