Suzanne Lindsey of Lighthouse Organizing is a Professional Organizer in Canton, Mississippi, nearby to Jackson and has owned Lighthouse Organizing for almost 2 years. 

When she started looking for a business she could start, she had no idea that Professional Organizing was a business.  She was looking for something she could do to serve others and make a difference in their life.  Around that same time she started to "binge listen" to Lisa's podcast. 

She has a long time friend that mentioned the Sunday Basket while they were exercising together.  

She started at the beginning and listened all the way through.  She learned that Professional Organizing was a business she could start that would also help people change their lives.  She learned about the mentorship program Organize 365 had at the time and she decided to invest. Since then she has become a Certified Sunday Basket Workshop Organizer and is also Certified to teach all four (4) binders through Organize 365 - the Medical, Financial, Home Reference and Home Operations. She has also attended both boot camps! (She just hired this same friend that introduced her to the podcast 2 days prior to this podcast recording as a contractor to help on a large job and she could not believe how well they worked together.)

When asked for her advice to anyone considering being a Professional Organizer, she says, "I would suggest 2 things.  First, offer to organize a friend’s space for free and see that you love it. Then if you decide to start your own business, you could possibly use before and after pictures from that job.  Your friend could give you a review as well. Second, I wouldn’t go at it alone.  Learn as much as you can from the leaders in the industry.  Listen to podcasts, read books, read POTT Facebook posts- join in and ask questions. 

In addition to doing those things I made some great friends at the first Bootcamp you had in Cincinnati. From that circle of friends I have 2 mastermind groups where we meet regularly to set goals, discuss business issues and hold each other accountable."

Suzanne and her husband, David, have been married for 26 years, and they have 5 children - ages 21, 19, 17, 16 and 14 along with 2 dogs and a cat and she focuses on helping people during a home renovation or move.