This week on the podcast, Lisa Woodruff interviews Kelly Sammon of The Organizing Advantage.

Kelly resides in Lakeville, MN with her husband, Scott and her two sets of identical twins! 

Kelly participated in Organize 365's mentorship program and in addition to being a Sunday Basket Workshop Organizer, she also represents the Direct Sales Workbox and the Entrepreneur Workbox. 

She was a stay-at-home mom thinking about what she wanted to do when I went back to work when she found Lisa's podcasts.She has always loved organizing, it comes easily to her and gets her excited. When she lived at home, she completely organized her parent's home and offices, top to bottom just for fun and would jump at the chance to help family and friends. Once she realized this was an actual industry, she knew she wanted to be an organizer instead of going back to a corporate job. She loves helping people and creating systems that make their life easier.    Her advice for anyone considering becoming a Professional Organizer is two fold.  1) Just start and don't worry about having everything ready. You learn as you go and you improve and tweak along the way.   2) Say yes and do it afraid.  If someone asks you to speak or organize something you haven't done before, just say yes and go figure it out. Allow yourself to stretch beyond your comfort zone. It's how you learn and grow.  Just act "as if" you've done it many times before and nobody will be the wiser.    
Listen in to learn more about Kelly and the Organizing Advantage!