Mentors can help you develop your career and maximise your opportunity for success. So where do you find a mentor? Join us for a interactive session to hear more about the importance of mentorship.
Key takeaways from this session: What a mentor is and what it’s not?Why do you need a mentor anyway?Getting clear on what you want and need.How to identify and approach a mentor?Getting the most from the mentor relationship.
About John Di Natale: John is passionate about helping you get complete clarity on what you want to be known for, create unshakeable confidence and self-esteem, overcome fear and achieve everything you want – in your business, in your career and in life.
John has been informing and entertaining audiences for more than 20 years. He is a TEDx speaker, President of Professional Speakers Australia (Victoria) and his speaking career has taken him to conferences and events in thirteen countries – so far. He is also founder of Equi Wealth and co-founder of an exciting new tech startup, 100 Lunches.
“I’m at my happiest when I’m coaching and mentoring people to be their very best – as a speaker, business leader, influencer or entrepreneur…” - John Di Natale
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