Not only does our special guest believe it is possible to have everything you want, he has proven it to be true.
Arriving in Australia from Chile as a young boy, Mario Pizarro couldn’t speak English, had no extended family, no friends and no money. But he had a big dream, a strong belief and a burning desire.In this session Mario will share the beliefs and thought processes that enabled him to go from a nail bender (yes, that was his first job!) to a multi millionaire heading up 12 companies and living a life most people only dream of. Mario will show you how to Wake Up! Dream, Believe and Grow Rich! The life you truly want is right at your fingertips. Mario can show you how to get it.
You will discover how to divorce the story that is holding you back and marry the truth, identify the companions you should always have with you on your journey to success and learn how to reprogram your mind to live a life that is conscious, limitless and fulfilled.
About Mario Pizarro:From his first job as a nail bender, Mario has gone on to become a director of 12 companies, generating hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue and more importantly, transforming the lives of thousands of people in the process.
Mario is a speaker and author who travels the world to wake people up from their unconscious, limited life so they can have a life that is limitless and rich.
He brings his inspiring, yet down to earth approach to the process of becoming truly rich. He is a deep thinker who likes to inspire others to create the life they want.
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