"Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life..."
We've all come across this quote at some point but it's not really that simple, is it? What's closer to the truth is working towards what you believe in so that when things get tough, you still stay the course and keep trying.
Tu Le is a person who has never stopped trying to live up to her values and beliefs. Despite a relatively young career, her journey has been topsy turvy and filled with valuable learnings.
She knows the effort it takes to make difficult decisions, change career paths and ignore the noise around following other people's journeys.
In the past few months, she's been featured across various Australian media platforms and even The New York Times for fighting to be a voice in her community.
In this session, we sit down with Tu to talk about how her career has evolved and lessons learnt at different forks on the road. We will also explore what makes Tu the capable and confident young professional that she is.
About Tu Le:
Tu Le is a community worker, advocate and organiser. She currently works in the community legal sector assisting culturally and linguistically diverse communities to gain better access to justice through the provision of free legal services.Her vast experience ranges from empowering vulnerable and disadvantaged communities through capacity-building initiatives, managing election campaigns, establishing purpose-driven community organisations to building collective power and organising diverse religious, cultural and community leaders.
About Professional Development Forum:
The Professional Development Forum (PDF) was established to help diverse young professionals find fulfilment in the modern workplace. We believe that everyone, not the elite few, should have access to the knowledge, mindset and network to develop themselves.We believe that by becoming the best version of ourselves, we lead a happier, more fulfilling life and inspire those around us to do the same.We do this by running events that aims to inform, connect and inspire, and share what we learnt with our community.
Please check out our upcoming events:http://www.professionaldevelopmentforum.org/events