As the potentially damaging effects of plastic packaging on

our ecosystem has grown to be more visible to consumers through mainstream and

social media, the issue of plastics in produce has come to the forefront. CPMA

has recognized the need for an integrated industry approach that best meets

regulatory requirements, while keeping produce safe and affordable for the end

consumer. To that end, the CPMA Plastics Packaging Working Group was

established to identify efforts underway within the industry, determine best

practices, and develop an industry-supported roadmap to maintaining food

quality and safety while reducing the environmental impact of plastics. On this

episode of Produce Talks, we review the results of a consumer insight survey on

plastic packaging with pollster David Coletto, CEO of Abacus Data, and speak

with Crystal Howe of Ice River Springs about their water bottles made from 100%

recycled plastic.

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Thank you to our podcast sponsor, NatureFresh™ Farms.