Geoff Kullman is a brand-awareness and direct-response copywriter for influencers, experts, and thought leaders. That’s basically a fancy way of saying he writes marketing materials for people you’ve heard of but he’s too polite to mention their names (probably because he’s from Canada). Geoff puts identity and integrity at the core of his writing… which is why you’re going to want to listen to his story! 

In this interview, Geoff and I discuss the importance of creating genuine and authentic connections with your audience and how to decide which “funnel” you should be using for your business. 

Geoff shares his personal journey that led him to create better copy and build deeper, more authentic connections with and for his clients. 

He also shares 5 mistakes that most businesses are making when writing their copy and what you can do to avoid them. Find out more here:

Be sure to check out the resources mentioned in this episode:

Building A StoryBrand - Donald Miller

How to Write Copy That Sells - Ray Edwards

Ray’s Free Training “Cash Flow On Command” -

Writing without the BS -

Simon Sinek - Why Discovery Course

Geoff Kullman - 

Borrow My Brain -

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