Once you’ve launched a business, how do you start or maintain growth? How can you serve more clients or customers, increase your impact, and bring in more revenue?

In this episode, we introduce three keys to sustainable growth and dive into the first key - connecting with others. We talk about the importance of relationships in business and how to approach networking with the purpose of building real connections.

We also discuss my talk on networking at a local Chamber of Commerce event, the purpose of a mastermind group, and the lesson the Little House on the Prairie television series teaches us about how to approach work.

I hope you’ll join me for this episode and let’s consider together the importance of building real relationships in business.

Links and Resources Mentioned

Huff Productions (custom soundtracks) - www.huffpro.com

Percheron Coffee - www.percheroncoffee.com

Zig Ziglar - https://www.ziglar.com/ 

Pro Growth Podcast website - https://podcast.danw.us/ 

Cliff Ravenscraft - https://www.cliffravenscraft.com/

Cliff’s Notes on Profitable Coaching - Mastermind FAQ’s - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cliffs-notes-on-profitable-coaching/id1453075191?i=1000540919058

The Journey Mastermind - https://www.danw.us/journeymastermind/ 

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill - https://bookshop.org/a/1378/9781585424337 

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