In this episode of The Private Practice Elevation Podcast, we’re going to talk about non-traditional ways to market a private practice. 


Living in these modern times, I think we sometimes forget about the tried and true methods that can be used to build a business.


Often we turn to our computers and social media feeds and think “this is how I’m supposed to market my private practice.”


The problem is that in order to build a successful private practice, you may need to think outside of the box.


Clients won’t just show up unless you go out and look for them. They need to know you exist!


So what are some creative ways to increase your visibility, share your expertise, and attract more of your ideal clients?


Our guest, Dr. Larry Waldman is on the show today to share some of the creative ways he marketed a successful private practice - one he had for over 45 years!


Dr. Larry is a psychologist, professor, speaker, and author who is passionate about helping private practice owners think outside the box and market their practices in creative and exciting ways.

In This Episode, You’ll Learn: Questions to ask yourself before you begin marketing your practice The difference between a niche and your ideal client How to look for opportunities to get in front of your ideal clients The importance of relationship building and the impact it can have on your referrals How to use current events and media to reach more clients Creative ways to get in front of your audience Other ideas for non-traditional marketing for your private practice Links mentioned in this episode:  Dr. Larry’s Website


Huge Sale On My Favorite WordPress Theme

You may already know this, but Divi is my favorite WordPress theme for building beautiful therapy websites. Every year, Elegant Themes, the makers of the Divi WordPress theme do a huge Black Friday sale. And this is year is no different. If you’re looking for a great theme to build a new website for your private practice, one that comes with easy-to-use templates and features right out of the box, definitely check out Divi. (affiliate link)

About Larry F. Waldman, Ph.D., ABPP


Dr. Waldman is a recently semi-retired licensed clinical, forensic psychologist in Phoenix, Arizona.  He conducted a highly successful private practice of 45 years working with children, teens, parents, couples, and adults in a solution-focused manner.  He also consulted with family, personal injury, immigration and estate planning attorneys.  His BS in Education/Psychology was from the University of Wisconsin; his MS in School Psychology was at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; his Ph.D. in Educational/School Psychology was earned at Arizona State University; and his Diplomate (ABPP) was received in 2003.


Waldman was the past president of the Maricopa Psychological Society, the Director of Psychological Services for Charter Psychiatric Hospital of Glendale, an “Official Guide” (top expert) on Parenting for and was a Medical Consultant for the Social Security Office in Phoenix. He continues as an adjunct graduate professor in counseling and serves on the professional advisory board of Stepping Stones of Hope, a charitable organization serving children who have lost a parent.  Waldman also was the co-chair of the Early Career Psychologists Committee with the Arizona Psychological Association (AzPA) for five years.   He is certified by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) as a (senior) fitness specialist and is a yoga instructor.  


In addition to numerous articles which have been published in the local Phoenix media and in the national press, Waldman has (thus far) written seven books:  Who’s Raising Whom?  Coping with Your Adolescent; How Come I Love Him But Can’t Live with Him? The Graduate Course You Never Had, 2nd Edition; Too Busy Earning a Living to Make Your Fortune? Overcoming Your Negotiaphobia: Negotiating Through Your Life; and Love Your Child More Than You Hate your Ex.


Dr. Waldman trained as a public speaker and presents for PESI.  His signature presentations are: The Business of Private Practice—The Graduate Course You Never Had and Teaching Parents to Parent.  He has made over 150 paid presentations in his career to attorneys, chiropractors, psychologists, family therapists, counselors, social workers, school psychologists and school counselors. To the community Waldman speaks on parenting, marriage, stress, depression and anxiety, wellness, grand parenting and psychotherapy.  He also is a seasoned podcast guest.  His seminars are organized, practical and entertaining—offering “edutainment.”


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