In this episode of The Private Practice Elevation Podcast, you’re going to learn 4 simple steps that will help you validate that course topic idea you’ve got swimming around in your head.


With the power of simple online platforms like Teachable and Kajabi, it’s no wonder why so many entrepreneurs and private practice owners are shifting their energy toward creating courses.


It’s a great way to reach more people with your expertise and generate income for something that you’re passionate about.


But one of the biggest challenges to creating a course is nailing down a topic that you’re confident will actually sell.


Because no one wants to pour time, money, sweat, and tears into building an online course just to have it fall flat and have no one buy it.


Validating your course topic is the best way to ensure you’re on the right track toward a course that sells.


James Marland from Course Creation Studio joins me to share 4 steps you can take to validate your profitable course idea.


James is on a mission to support therapists in creating life-changing and profitable online courses. And he believes each therapist has at least one course within them. 

In This Episode, You’ll Learn: How you can validate your course idea in 4 steps The 4 things you need to do before you begin creating your course How to deal with imposter syndrome if other people have created similar courses Why it’s ok if someone else has already created a similar course to yours Real-life examples and lessons I (Daniel) have learned from launching courses Download James’ Free Resource

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Links mentioned in this episode: Course Creation Studio Amy Porterfield How To Start A Movement YouTube Video The PsychCraft Podcast Network

About James Moreland

James Marland is the founder of Course Creation Studio. He has a master’s degree in Ministry from Lancaster Bible College as well as a Master's of Business Administration from Shippensburg University. He has worked in mental health and social services for the last 18 years. He was a youth minister for two years and spoke weekly to teens and college-age students. From 2019 to 2022 he was the chief operating officer of Moved Forward Virtual Assistants, a company that provided support services for therapists and private practice offices. He is a Faculty Member at Lorman Education Services. 


James is on a mission to support therapists in creating life-changing and profitable online courses. He believes each therapist has at least one course within them. Unlocking that course will help many people. James believes if you help enough people you will all make it to the top.  


James is an avid reader and board game player. He hosts a monthly community game night for the people in his church and town. He still meets regularly with a group of friends he has been playing online games with for the past 7 years. In the summer you will find him at a Pennsylvania State Park campground where he likes to take pictures, hike, and burn things in the fire.