In this special episode of The Private Practice Elevation Podcast, I’m going to crack open the book on a subject I don’t talk a lot about… myself!


Over the years, I know I’ve shared bits and pieces of my story and how I started Create My Therapist Website and Private Practice Elevation


Especially how I helped my wife get her private practice online and get her ideal clients to her website.


But I thought it would be fun to let you into all the little bits of it all and put all the pieces together from start to finish.


I know for myself I find so much inspiration in other business owners’ stories.


There’s so much we can learn from others’ mistakes, highs and lows, and the lessons that they’ve learned from being in the trenches of building a business.


When I started Create My Therapist Website as a blog back in 2016, I had no idea that nearly 6 years later I’d have a podcast and build a website design agency for therapists.


Initially, I thought there would be more focus on online courses and webinars to help private practice owners DIY their websites.


While I still do those things, I’ve learned that I enjoy working with fewer people to create a big impact in their business through the services we offer.


But I never would have learned that if I hadn’t started where I was.


And a big part of who I am and what my business looks like comes from my introverted personality. 


I’m continuing to learn how to build a business that fuels my energy and plays to my strengths.


Because when I’m at my best, our clients benefit!


So in this episode, I’ll talk a lot about what it means to me to be an introvert and how I used that strength in starting my business. 


Whether you’ve been a listener for a while or you’re new to this community, I hope that by listening we’ll get to know each other better and that you’ll learn some valuable lessons you can apply to build your own business.

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