In this episode of The Private Practice Elevation Podcast, we’re going to talk about your website content and specifically, what content and pages need to be on your website in order for it to be successful.


Most therapists would agree that they need a website to market their private practice online and help them gain clients.


The problem is that most private practice websites lack the proper pages and content to make a big impact on the business.


And it’s this lack of content that is one of the biggest things I see holding back most therapists who want to get organic traffic and clients using their therapy website.


I see it often when I perform website audits or coaching calls… the website just doesn’t have enough content to resonate with the ideal client and allow Google to pick up the website and rank it high in search results.


So, let’s talk about your website content and make sure you have what you need in order to hit your goals for online marketing.

In This Episode, You’ll Learn: How to define what makes your website “successful” and how knowing this can help you make important decisions with your online marketing The content and pages that I recommend as a bare minimum for a therapy website in order for it to be effective A basic sitemap for a therapy website for those who are just getting started How to expand your sitemap over time in order to improve your search engine optimization and get more organic traffic in the future Subscribe & Review in Apple Podcasts

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