A former NFL center, Randy Grimes lived as everyone’s all-American—with a successful 10-year career for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, a beautiful and devoted college-sweetheart-turned-wife, and two healthy children. But pain took over, and the prescription pills used to treat chronic injuries eventually led to playing in blackouts. When Randy’s career ended, the pills continued—feeding an opioid addiction that would last 20+ years and erode his identity, health, and family. When addiction claimed the life of a close friend, Randy finally found the courage to raise his hand and ask for help. This single decision reclaimed Randy’s life.

Randy found himself having blackouts and waking up with no memory of the game he’d played that afternoon. In spite of this, he was named NFL Man of the Year for his team.

After leaving the NFL, Randy’s life slid further off center. Without football, he lost his identity, life playbook, and locker room family. In its place, he gained a raging addiction that lasted 20 years and stole nearly everything.

Today, Randy is a motivational speaker for Tour de force Speakers and founder of Pro Athletes in Recovery, which provides resources to athletes and others to receive the help they so desperately need. Along with treatment resources, Pro Athletes in Recovery provides aftercare for those who need it.




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