Tina Turna once sung, "What's Love Got To Do With It?" Love appears to the strongest misunderstood word that is said by individuals. It has power, purpose and can lead to pain and heartache. What does love mean to you? Individuals have their own interpretation of love. Is it a feeling or action? Individuals say they are looking for love yet may not be ready to give love back. While others may struggle with being loved by another or struggle with loving themself.

Join myself and other as we talk about unconditional love. Is it possible to love unconditionally? Many have been said that they loved unconditionally yet felt unloved or disrespected by another. Loving properly can be a skill. Such can important within a relationship. 

Let's talk about it. I want to hear your thoughts. To join in on the conversations call 516 387-1914. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT.