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Demons can be a considered a metaphor. Demons can be something that can keep one awake at nigh as such can remind one of an embarrassing moment or ongoing worry. A Demon can whisper how pathetic one is that has not accomplished what one or another have hoped for them. These demons can look like pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath or sloth just to name a few. They are powerful and can impact an individual in ways which makes them personal . When one fight or repress one's inner demon one can actually gain and develop resistance. 

With 2021 having only a few days left it may be time to address one's inner or personal demons before we carry them over into the new year. Join myself and others as we discuss where do personal demons come from? What are the signs that one may be dealing with personal demons. We will also provide information as to how one can deal with their inner or personal demon. It is time to get rid of the secret sins and let somethings or people go. I want to hear your thoughts. Live 12/28/21 at 11:30am Pacific. To join in on the conversation call 516 387-1914. You can also listen later at any time. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT.