Previous Episode: Ending Childhood Sexual Trauma
Next Episode: Chaos

Today many are concerned about what we are hearing as it relates to what we are witnessing in the United States. As I watch the news and scroll through the news feed of my social media outlets I am like "Really." Todays show is designed to address oppression. Many individuals are at odds as it relates to the 2020 Election however the way it is being handled is out of control. Not to mention that individuals believe that they are fighting for justice but are they really? If you want to understand the Bible and have a better understanding of what's going on in the world we must read the Word of God. One must have a better understanding regarding the issue with oppression or being oppressed.. What does the Bible say about oppression?  Have we forgotten about defending the weak and the fatherless? Let's talk about it. I want to hear your thoughts live 1/12/21 at 11:30am. Pacific. To join the conversation call 516 387-1914