On redirecting and serving purpose driven professionals. A conversation looking at the connection of our purpose and our daily work.

0:42 – Introducing Amina AlTai – career realignment coach, proud immigrant, chronic illness advocate 2:55 – Doing work that we love in a way that honors our bodies, and who we are in the world, is our birthright. Developing 2 autoimmune diseases. 5:40 – What does it look like to stop and redirect? Leaving unhealthy spaces. 7:00 – Serving purpose driven people. Working with Amina for radical change. Signature 3 month program. New 5 month group program. 8:55 – Working with groups and individuals. 5-part framework – 1) Where our gifts are, 2) What we value in this world, 3) What we want to impact, 4) What brings us joy, 5) Our needs. 11:30 – Pricing for coaching and mentors, charging for time, charging what you’re worth. Letting the higher self inform the pricing. 14:10 – Free options, freemium, low priced, mid priced and high end. Creating multiple entry points for people. 16:15 – Redefining ourselves many times throughout our adult lives. Consistently evolving and developing our studentship.

Amina AITai is a career realignment coach, proud immigrant and chronic illness advocate. A leading coach to notable female leaders and impact-driven celebrities. Amina’s mastery is in connecting us to our brilliance and teaching us to live and lead from it each day. As a woman of color of Iraqi descent, she often works with marginalized communities to help them realize possibilities in a way that honors their particular lived experiences. She’s a Success Magazine 125 Leaders to Watch Finalist, A Forbes Contributor, an Entrepreneur Magazine expert-in-residence and has been featured In The New York Times, goop, NBC, Entrepreneur and more. She is working on her first book, entitled The Ambition Trap, in collaboration with Penguin and The Open Field. Amina impresses me with her clarity, care and consideration. Her work spans from free teachings all the way to her signature program, Pivot to Purpose, for those leaving corporate work to step into your soul’s calling, as well as for newer entrepreneurs who’ve started your business but don’t feel fully in alignment yet.