Zivar Amrami is a healer and interdisciplinary artist. Born in the Midwest to an Iranian father and a mother of Norwegian descent, steeped from youth in Jewish mysticism, Zivar has a particular curiosity to that which unites and differentiates us from each other. As a photographer, therapist or circle maker, she peers beyond the layers of protection and unearths vulnerabilities and universal truths with grace. Zivar is a nurturer of women, creator of the Wisdom of Birth deck, a mother healing her own ancestral wounds. For strangers and friends, she bestows the innate gift of empathic witness. Zivar currently lives in the Hudson Valley with her husband and two children.

0:42 – Introducing Zivar Amrami; Wisdom of Birth – 78 Card Oracle Deck of Guidance and Inspiration for the experience of Birth. 2:30 – Engaging with birth in a more powerful way. Healthcare systems looking down on you and treating you inferior. 6:00 – Reasserting boundaries in the hospital setting. Navigating spaces that are not in your best interest. Bringing awareness to the lack of advocacy for underprivileged people. 10:00 – February 13 Kickstarter for Wisdom of Birth Deck; Using cards during and after birth as a tool for connecting to our story of birth. 12:00 – Giving others the opportunity to feel witnessed and seen. When we are seen we are able to move through the world differently. Growing up on the edges. 15:40 – Buying a camera, street photography in Peru. Portrait photography. Working 1-on-1 with people. Painting and using different mediums. 17:30 – How do I honor this yearning to create and nurture my world while being a good mom to my children? 19:55 – The story of meeting Zach 24:40 – Zach Fredmen, The Epichorus, https://temenosnyc.com/ 27:30 – The energy of words that have been spoken for many centuries. Mantras, prayers, etc. 29:55 – We often project onto our faith what we truly value internally. A study of children with stronger immunity with those with traditions vs those without. Belonging. 32:00 – Making spiritual exploration an open and safe space for our children’s curiosities. 34:55 – Ways open. The companionship of an art form. 36:45 – @zivaramrami on instagram, Women’s circles & 1-on-1 offerings

Zivar is an artist, devoted to spirit and story. She offers private sessions online and in person and hosts womens circles in support of healing and embodiment. Zivar lives in Upstate New York with her husband and two daughters.

