On the sacred metamorphosis of menopause, redefining this time of life from health crisis to empowerment, tenderness and leadership.

On discovering the liberating power of menopause to awaken authority, purpose and belonging.

0:42 Introducing Red School; Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer; Wise Power: Discover the Liberating Power of Menopause to Awaken Authority, Purpose and Belonging 3:00 – Wild Power: Discover the Magic of the Menstrual Cycle and Awaken The Feminine Path to Power; https://www.redschool.net/; The Seasons of Menstruation 6:00 – Restoring the power of menopause – our inner ecology. An integrated process of growing down into ourselves. An initiatory journey of awakening. Evolving into menopause. 9:30 – Seamless entry into the menstruality journey. Weaving a thread of yes through the beginning of menstruation to menopause. 12:25 – Our experience of cultural dislocation from this initiatory path. Menarche, menstruation, motherhood and menopause are evolutionary tipping points in our life’s journey. 15:20 – Seeing our 50s, 60s and 70s as one of the most fertile grounds of being – alive, creative and productive. 17:55 – 5 phases of menopause – Betrayal, Repair, Revelation, Visioning and Emergence. Cycle awareness applies across many areas of our psychological and spiritual development. 20:50 – Betrayal – Transformation involves dying to the old self and emerging new. Betrayal is the first moment of menopause where the deep initiatory process kicks in. It is the death of an identity. 25:40 – Repair – Emphasizing Rest and Healing. Rest is the medicine that allows the organic process of healing to move through us. Giving yourself kindness. 29:55 – Revelation – A subtle dawning of a new recognition of yourself. An acceptance and reception of yourself. 32:25 – Visioning – Full flourishing and receptivity of your capacity. Breakthrough with coherence. 37:10 – Emergence – Freshly minted clarity and innocence. Reborn, vulnerability and innocence as a buffer against bitterness and cynicism. “Second Spring”. 40:50 – Ritual to anoint and celebrate yourself – 1) Name all the qualities you have discovered or recovered during menopause – all of your strengths and brilliances. 2) Forgive anything in yourself that you feel still needs forgiving. 3) State some clear intentions for your future. 4) Allow plenty of time for this ritual. 44:20 – Menopause can deliver us to a place of deep belonging within ourselves. Union is the heart of the menopause transition. Understanding and removing our barricades to intimacy. 47: 20 – Attunement tools for Leadership – Keep Council with Emptiness


Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer, authors of Wild Power: Discover the Magic of the Menstrual Cycle and Awaken The Feminine Path to Power and the creators of the Menstruality Medicine Circle™, a brand new healing modality.