#PPCCHAT Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT - Led by Julie F Bacchini (@NeptuneMoon)
Q1 eems like a no brainer, but do most of all of your clients track conversions?
Q2 hat are the most common conversion actions in accounts and campaigns you’re currently managing?
Q3 Do you have a preferred method for setting up conversion tracking? Particular tool?
Q4 What is the biggest road block to effective conversion tracking for you?
Q5 When a client wants to improve their conversion rate, where do you typically start/look first for opportunity?
Q6 How often do you find that their web site/landing pages are a problem? What are the most common issues you’ve encountered?
Q7 How do you address conversion rate optimization (CRO) road blocks?
Q8 If you could have a wish granted for conversion tracking functionality, what would it be?