#ppcchat Twitter discussion that runs on Tuesdays at 5pm GMT -
Led by Julie F Bacchini (@NeptuneMoon)
Q1 Are you currently doing remarketing for some or all of your clients/accounts? If so, on which platforms?
Q2 What do you generally find are client’s expectations for remarketing campaigns? Does it differ at all by platform?
Q3 What is a remarketing campaign that you thought was awesome (one of yours or one you were on the receiving end of)? What made it great?
Q4 What is a remarketing campaign that you thought was awful (one of yours or one you were on the receiving end o)? What made it awful?
Q5 Do you have any kind of standard practice you use when setting up remarketing campaigns?
Q6 How do you handle #remarketing with small audiences/too small to remarket?
Q7 What are common issues or roadblocks that prevent you from doing remarketing in the way you might want to? Have you found any solutions or workarounds for them?
Q8 What do you wish clients knew/did with their web sites to make remarketing easier?
Q9 Is there a feature or capability you wish was available for remarketing that currently is not available?