What is your story? Your story is, or at least, should be, a big part of your brand.

It's what makes you unique in virtually any market. It's what gets people to feel aligned with you and your products and services.

In this segment of the Vegan Visibility Podcast Summit series, VLynn Hawkins and I talk with branding expert, Will Saunders.

During our conversation, Will gives an overview of what he is teaching during the summit.

Build A Powerful Vegan Brand In 4 Steps - The Social Impact Brand Framework presented

Learn the most important steps you need to take to build a powerful brand for your vegan business. Stand out, cut through the noise, and change the world.

Learn a powerful 4-step brand-building framework you can start using today

Explore examples of other successful brands and learn what makes them work

Gain a deeper understanding of what a brand is and begin to leverage it in your business

About Will Saunders

Will Saunders is the Creative Director and Founder at Good Will Studios, an accredited social enterprise design and brand studio in the UK.

Will is brand and design specialist who creates brands for ambitious ethical teams and scaling sustainable businesses who are making a positive impact in the world.

As an award-winning designer with over a decade in the industry, he's helped local and national charities, tech-for-good startups, and social enterprises of all sizes across multiple sectors develop a brand strategy and a visual identity that helps them stand out and succeed in their field.

His company slogan and guiding principle is "A better world, by design" and Will loves helping those who are working to solve meaningful problems in their business, and guiding them to become the purposeful, profitable brand they deserve to be.

As an ethical vegan, Will is delighted to be sharing his knowledge at the 2nd Annual Vegan Visibility Summit, and is excited to help play a small part in creating a vegan world.