Building a business based on your passion for veganism is a noble start. However, to survive, thrive, and scale your business, it must be profitable. Compassion isn’t enough. Statically, many small businesses fail because they lack planning, especially around finances. 

During this episode of the Vegan Visibility Podcast, Heather Landex shares a sneak peek at what it takes to safely grow a food service business by being inclusive to the needs of your customers.

During Heather’s Vegan Visibility Summit presentation, you will learn about the V.E.G.A.N. Profit Growth Framework, which can be implemented at any stage of your entrepreneurial journey.

This framework is designed with a continuous feedback loop to help you make informed, strategic decisions, year after year. You'll be able to create an ethically centered company that can weather the ever-changing business landscape. 

About Heather Landex

As an ex-food safety police, vegan with allergies and intolerances herself, Heather is uniquely qualified to coach and consult food and hospitality businesses, professionals and consultants on how to attract and serve more customers to increase revenues, reduce risk and liability and earn more through food inclusivity. 

Inclusivity includes those people normally excluded from eating out; people looking for plant-based or vegan, gluten-free or coeliac-friendly, or food allergy or intolerance-friendly food.

Heather has worked 20 years in the hospitality industry and is a qualified Environmental Health Practitioner, Food Safety Auditor experienced in advising and training thousands of businesses and professionals in over eight countries with highlights at the Olympic Games and in Michelin Starred restaurants. 

Join in on the 2nd Annual Vegan Visibility Summit at NO COST during the launch from November 16th – 18th. Go to