Sue Headaux is a Retail and Productivity Professional with broad experience encompassing management, customer experience program leadership, and operational productivity improvement.

The post Sue Hedaux on Show #174: Staying Productive and Focused first appeared on POWER to Live More.

Sue Headaux is a Retail and Productivity Professional with broad experience encompassing management, customer experience programme leadership, and operational productivity improvement.

She co-founded ReThink Productivity with her husband, Simon Headaux, to help businesses review and refine their operating systems and maximise productivity.

Sue is passionate about assisting companies to bring continuous improvement to their operations and customers’ experiences by working with them to optimise their processes and lower costs.

Sue joins me today to share her experience of the transition from working in a large retail organisation to joining her husband and working remotely full-time in the business they co-founded.

She discusses the positive points and challenges of working from home and why it is crucial to separate your business hours from your home life, particularly when working with your spouse. Sue also shares how she keeps fit and healthy and boosts her energy levels to ensure she performs at her peak in her business.

“Make sure you catch things before they go slightly off track or don’t work out as you expected, then take action to resolve things before they go completely off the rails.”

Sue Headaux

This Week on The Power to Live More Podcast:

How Sue and Simon divide the responsibilities for their work tasks and the challenges of working with your spouseWhy virtual meetings can’t replace face to face contact in getting to know clientsWhy Sue macro-plans to maximise her timeHow Sue cuts out digital clutter to give herself the headspace to deep dive into projectsWhy Sue organises her day according to her personal energy cycleWhat Sue means by ‘active procrastination’The value of outsourcingHow Sue continues learning and improving now that she is working for herselfThe tools and apps that help Sue manage her workloadWhat Sue does on days when she gets to ‘live more’

Resources Mentioned:

Hey Space appQuickbooksHubspotUpworkZoomMicrosoft TeamsMorgan Cross ConsultingSports AidWhy We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams by Matthew Walker

Connect with Sue Headaux:

ReThink Productivity websiteReThink Productivity on FacebookSue Headaux on LinkedInReThink Productivity on LinkedIn ReThink Productivity  on InstagramReThink Productivity on Twitter

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Attention home-based coaches and consultants!

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Show notes provided (brilliantly, my words not theirs!) by Lidwell Writing Services, LLC

The post Sue Hedaux on Show #174: Staying Productive and Focused first appeared on POWER to Live More.

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