Jackie Handy has supported hundreds of individuals and organizations internationally to optimize their performance, develop leaders, and embed inclusion through her company Runway Global.

The post Jackie Handy on Show #173: Simple Steps to a More Inclusive Workplace appeared first on POWER to Live More.

Jackie Handy has supported hundreds of individuals and organisations internationally to optimise their performance, develop leaders, and embed inclusion through her company Runway Global.

She is a TEDx speaker and the author of two books – the most recent: The Little Book of Belonging: Your Weekly Guide to Inclusive Habits, which she wrote while quarantined during the COVID-19 pandemic to encourage others to consistently take small behavioural steps toward inclusivity.

When not working in her home office in Shropshire, England, Jackie enjoys bottle feeding her neighbour’s lambs and spending quality time with her partner. 

Jackie joins me today to discuss the power of self-reflection around the themes of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. She elaborates on ways to encourage safe conversations and create inclusive work environments.

She reveals how joining the Professional Speakers Association (PSA) allowed her to share key personal life experiences in her speaking engagements and inspired her to spread the vital message of inclusion in her training courses and speaking engagements.

Jackie also dives into how she connects with her audience on social media, why she has embraced video as a way to share her insights, and shares her tips on how to create valuable video content.

“When we leverage the power of humanity in all its forms, we really have the possibility to make magic happen.”

Jackie Handy

This Week on The Power to Live More Podcast:

How Jackie became interested in diversity and inclusion in the workplaceJackie’s experiences in the workplace which made her hide her authentic selfWhat makes a good public speakerJackie’s experience of working from home during the quarantineThe unusual way Jackie has been starting her day since her move to the countrysideHow Jackie currently delivers trainingHow she stays productive and manages her timeWhy Jackie loves to learn and the courses she is currently taking to develop professionallyThe danger of too much distraction in your working practices and the reality of Zoom fatigueHow Jackie’s most recent book acts as a springboard to converse about diversity and inclusionHow Jackie deals with challenging days

Resources Mentioned:


Connect with Jackie Handy:

Jackie Handy websiteBook: The Little Book of Belonging: Your Weekly Guide to Inclusive HabitsBook: The SMARTASS Recruiter: How to stop being the reason the world hates recruitment consultantsJackie Handy on FacebookJackie Handy on LinkedInRunway Global on InstagramJackie Handy on TwitterJackie Handy on YouTubeThe Power of I Facebook Group

Further Resources – findcourses.co.uk

At findcourses, we believe education shouldn’t stop when you leave school. Professional development helps you reach the next stage of your career, and personal development helps you achieve your goals. That’s why we help people of all ages, all backgrounds and all levels find classroom and online courses that enable them to grow. We champion learning and development both inside and outside the office, as well as spearheading thought leadership with our in-depth research and whitepapers.

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Show notes provided (brilliantly, my words not theirs!) by Lidwell Writing Services, LLC

The post Jackie Handy on Show #173: Simple Steps to a More Inclusive Workplace appeared first on POWER to Live More.

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