Digestion, Healthy Eating, Relaxation and Drinking Water with Sam Bearfoot, AKA The Digestion Detective.

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The post Sam Bearfoot: Digestion, Healthy Eating, Relaxation and Drinking Water first appeared on POWER to Live More.

Please note: Sam is now focusing on working with small business owners to help them to create content courses and confidence online via MakingVisibilityEffortless.com.

Digestion, Healthy Eating, Relaxation and Drinking Water with Sam Bearfoot, AKA The Digestion Detective.

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“My top tool would be – I have one of those pens … Do you remember those pens which you used at school and your teacher had them? They have the white top and the four different colours you push down?” BiC 4 Colour Pen and BiC 4 Colour Fashion

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Twining’s Everyday Tea


Mum’s Not Having Chemo by Laura Bonds. “It’s just such an inspirational book” It’s about the various different ways that Laura’s Mum healed her cancer without chemotherapy.


“I make a bit of a rule that I don’t bring work into the evenings if I don’t absolutely have to. Then my wind down time is actually spent in the kitchen. I like being in the kitchen. I like to cook.”
“I like to draw. I sketch, I colour, I paint, I love a bit of yoga. I like to meditate. I like walking, those are my kind of release.”
“I’m one of these people that healthy doesn’t need to be boring and it doesn’t need to be eating like a rabbit constantly. You can still enjoy some really nice food, you just have to put the effort in and make it for yourself. That’s my ethos, if you like, you don’t have to give up everything, you just have to find a little cheeky way around it, which is pretty much how I live.”
“The top things that people are getting wrong, they’re not drinking enough water. That’s a huge one. That will help with every part of your body, not just digestion. Those that do drink water, they tend to drink water when they’re eating, and that’s a big no-no. You need to separate those out, at least 20 minutes before or after you eat.”
“Anything that you know that upsets you, don’t eat it”
“My good days, I like being outside and quite often, if that just means that I’ve ticked all the things off of my list for the day and it means I get to go and spend half an hour, an hour, outside, sat on the grass literally, with my pen and my pad, and chill and maybe write some thoughts down at the end of the day. Maybe it’s just to appreciate that I’ve had a really good day and it’s something I’ve worked really hard for over the years to be able to be in that position.”


The Digestion Detective Show with Sam Bearfoot


The IBS Network

To Contact Sam

Facebook The Digestion Detective

Tweet: “I’m a firm believer in breakfast. You absolutely have to have breakfast, so I always have a really good breakfast” https://ctt.ec/5U812+

Tweet: “I like to draw. I sketch, I colour, I paint, I love a bit of yoga. I like to meditate. I like walking.” https://ctt.ec/P5a2o+

Tweet: “The top things that people are getting wrong, they’re not drinking enough water. That’s a huge one. ” https://ctt.ec/6ZUfg+

The post Sam Bearfoot: Digestion, Healthy Eating, Relaxation and Drinking Water first appeared on POWER to Live More.