Chaz Jackson is a teacher and passionate visionary who is determined to leave a legacy of serving God by serving others - lifting and helping people one child, one student, one teenager at a time.

The post Chaz Jackson: How to Recalibrate Your Mind first appeared on POWER to Live More.

Chaz Jackson is a teacher and passionate visionary who is determined to leave a legacy of serving God by serving others – lifting and helping people one child, one student, one teenager at a time.

He is the author of the book Live, Learn, and Lead Powerfully, where he helps young adults harness the greatness that is in them so they can be the best version they can be.

When he is not busy being a physical therapist or speaking at schools, community centres, and churches, Chaz makes sure to make time for the highest values in his life – his family.

Chaz joins me today to share how he recalibrated his mind from being a victim of bullying in his younger years to become the compassionate and courageous teacher he is today.

He dives into how he found redemption for himself and the turning points in his life that led him to have the heart to help the younger generation. Chaz also shares why he views failure and fear as his ‘friends’ and how he changes his perspective every time he has a bad day.

“To live, learn, and lead powerfully, we have to have the right identity and the right clarity about who we are and what we can do when manifested by God.”

Chaz Jackson

This Week on The Power to Live More Podcast:

Where a person’s identity and clarity about who they are starts
The crucial role that his wife plays in the management of his daily affairs as well as in keeping him healthy
Why the first hours are the most critical time of the day
Why he believes having good mentors is crucial in a person’s success
How he helps children deal with issues of bullying and cyberbullying
The number one habit to develop to have happiness
Chaz’s “Moment of Impact” that led him to enroll himself in a rehabilitation programme
How he broke free from the fear and shame of his past
His “Moment of Impact” as a child when he almost lost an eye
Why he grew up with low self-worth and self-esteem
The focal point of his book
How he recalibrates his mind before going to bed

Resources Mentioned:

Run Tracker
The Success Principles Book by Jack Canfield

Connect with Chaz Jackson:

Live, Learn, and Lead Powerfully Book

Connect, Share, Inspire

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Show notes provided (brilliantly, my words not theirs!) by Lidwell Writing Services, LLC

The post Chaz Jackson: How to Recalibrate Your Mind first appeared on POWER to Live More.

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