Finally an Audio Version of the Power Blast Podcast!
In this episode, Perry discusses Things To Do Before You Die - Bucket List
When people think of a "bucket list," or things to do before you die, they typically think of all the things that they want to experience before they, "Kick the bucket." so to speak.

I think many people have a list in their head, but then things get forgotten, or just fade away, because Life happens. Life comes with stuff. Life has distractions and obstacles!

Do you have a bucket list?

This show includes tips to create a "Things to do before you die" list.

If you would like to listen/view previous episodes of the Power Blast Podcast, please visit this link to subscribe and download episodes! HINT: Episode 500 was an incredible interview with Tony Horton!

Power Blast Podcast is brought to you by http://course.putyourselffirst.com The mini course designed to help you workout with consistency and make yourself a priority and put yourself first.

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