This conversation is going to reach in and speak right to your soul...

I am honored to welcome my guest today, the beautiful Sammie Fleming. When I think of feminine leadership Sammie is one of the first people to come to my mind (and heart). She holds an immense amount of depth, truth and a kind of tender spirit that you can't help but to be drawn to.

She and I are talking feminine leadership--but it what it really means beyond the bubble baths, fancy photos and dancing in lingerie. We also crack open the idea that feminine leadership needs to be polished and pretty and are giving you FULL permission to embrace the shadowy parts of you. We talk business, aligned hustle and how--as driven women with big visions on our heart--to start leaning more into BEING. 

This is spirit. This is heart & soul. This is us, raw and open and honest.

Connect with Sammie via Instagram below:

Join & learn more about Sammie's new offering, Connected. A lush immersion designed to support you into a rich and deep relationship with the soul of your business. Linked below: