When’s the last time you took inventory of all the things you do because you think you "should" be doing them?

Or how much you take on because you think it's what you "have" to do in order to create more success, freedom, joy, etc?

A big part of my spiritual practice these days has been simplification. Purification! 

A straight up purge of all the things I think I have to or should be doing--basically, I've gotten really honest with myself on what feels like sh*t; what doesn't light me up and piece by piece I've been letting go. 

I've also created an abundance of clarity around what I actually value, what it's important, and what kind of business I truly want in this season of my life. 

And love, it has been both liberating and illuminating. I want to take you on this journey with me today. Buckle in. Take a breath and let's gooooo!