Searching for a job is stressful and anxiety inducing. When the job search is not voluntary, additional pressure is added and urgency and fear is heightened. Now, add on economic uncertainty or a worldwide crisis, such as a pandemic, and the process becomes even more difficult to navigate. It can feel impossible.

To all the situations above, Melissa McGurgan has been there (minus the pandemic part). Having conducted two major job searches during the financial crisis in 2009/10 after being laid off, she personally knows how daunting the job search process can be. Through her own experience, she developed a system for job searching that prioritizes the best return for your investments of time, brain power, and energy. You may remember Melissa from a few episodes back where we discussed job security (and lack of) in depth so I was thrilled to bring her back on to get deep on action planning your next job search.

In this episode we cover:

Polishing up your application materialsHow to go about finding a job that fits your criteriaNetwork leveragingActually launching your searchLanding the jobAnd so much more!

ACTION STEPS: Look at your network and contact one person and let them know that you’re starting your search/in the midst of your search/will be searching soon and make sure they know or remember you. Let them know that you would like to lean on them for support or a referral and want to say hi!


Job Search Action Plan & Support Plan

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