Today, I’m excited to introduce a new format for our episodes! Once a month, I plan to discuss personal development books I’ve read, driven by three key reasons: 

To potentially inspire you to read these books.
To offer insights for application, even if you opt not to read them.  
To aid my integration of the lessons into my life.

Our first book is The Surrender Experiment: My Journey into Life's Perfection by Michael A. Singer. This book is a memoir, but to me, it’s also a way to show and express what it means to let go of personal preference and surrender to the flow of life. His journey is so inspirational and I am excited to share my insights with you. 

Book overview:

The experiment begins with him deciding to let go of personal bias and preference and allow life's flow to guide his decisions.
His experiment led to deeper connections and unexpected opportunities.
Surrendering encompasses a few key aspects:

Trusting in a greater process and purpose.
Active engagement.
Emotional openness.

Aspects of letting go:

Release attachments.
Healing and renewal.
Personal decision. 

My takeaways:

The power of surrender
Living beyond our personal preference
The role of meditation 
Viewing challenges as opportunities
Having inner peace no matter what is happening in the outer world

Favorite quotes:

“The natural ups and downs of life can either generate personal growth or create personal fears. Which of these dominates is completely dependent on how you view change.”
“Instead of viewing the flow of life as something to be controlled and manipulated, I would relax and see it as something to be experienced and harmonize with.”
“I saw that if I wanted life to be a certain way, my preferences were not going to make me happy, they were going to make me miserable.”
“Life doesn't just randomly fall apart now and then, it falls apart exactly when it needs to in order to give us the opportunity to grow and evolve.”
“I've had to be willing to let go of what I wanted and open to what was being presented.”

How I'm applying it in my life:

Turning my daily practice of breathwork and meditation into a devotion.
Embrace new opportunities while staying in line with my values.
Daily mindfulness activities.
Letting go of resistance and discomfort.
Continue to view challenges as growth opportunities.

Journal prompts:

What areas of your life are you trying to control the most? What fears are driving this need for control?
Try to recall a time when something didn't go as planned, but turned out better than expected. What did this teach you about the outcomes of surrendering?
What does surrendering mean to you? How does it differ from giving up?
What are your thoughts on viewing challenges as growth opportunities? Do you like this idea or do you feel resistant to it? If you feel resistant, can you identify a current challenge in your life and look at it from the perspective of how this could be a growth opportunity for you?
How can you incorporate the practice of surrender into your daily life? Are there any specific rituals or reminders that you can set for yourself?

Books discussed in this episode:
The Surrender Experiment by Michael A. Singer
The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer

Connect with Brittny:
Instagram: @brittnyking_
Email: [email protected]