Brittny King celebrates her 36th trip around the sun with a meaningful reflection on life lessons. This special birthday episode doesn't just look back but also sets the stage for what's to come in the new year. In Brittny's world, birthdays are like New Years—a time to review, recalibrate, and set intentions for the year ahead. She believes in the concept of life as an ongoing experiment aimed at building self-awareness and fostering well-being.

Key Takeaways:

1. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Brittny emphasizes the psychological toll of comparing ourselves to others, especially on social media. She advises setting boundaries and creating before consuming to maintain your creative energy and self-esteem.

2. Self-Care is Non-Negotiable

Birth of her daughter, Ellie, in 2022 underscored the importance of self-care. From sleep to hydration and essential supplements like Magnesium and Vitamin D, self-care has become a non-negotiable aspect of her life.

3. Trust Your Intuition

Sharing personal experiences, such as navigating a miscarriage and thyroid condition, Brittny urges listeners to trust their intuition when it comes to their health and well-being. Don't hesitate to seek second, third, or even fourth opinions until you feel confident about your health choices.

4. Embrace Curiosity

Brittny reveals that her journey through somatic therapy has helped her heal emotional trauma from childhood and overcome limiting beliefs around curiosity and asking questions. She discusses how her podcast has even been therapeutic for her, allowing her to reclaim her voice.

5. Feeling is Healing

Shifting from an 'action gal' to someone who feels her emotions, Brittny talks about the transformational power of simply letting yourself feel, both for emotional and physical well-being.

6. Importance of Nervous System Health

Brittny distinguishes between processing emotions and regulating the nervous system. While both are crucial, they serve different roles in our overall well-being.

7. The Power of Thoughts

Your thoughts shape your reality, a fact that Brittny has seen play out time and again in her life and the lives of others.

8. Sobriety Can Be Fun

Brittny dismantles the notion that you need alcohol to have fun. She shares how the birth of her daughter catalyzed a change in her perception, leading her to enjoy events like weddings without a drop of alcohol.

Tune in to listen to this amazing episode!

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