Feeling overwhelmed or discouraged? We've all been there. Discouragement hits us for different reasons at different times.

We encourage you to press play for a solution to those discouraged feelings, and then taking a step in paying it forward to that someone you know who is currently struggling.

Quote: "I just wanted to remind you that you've navigated 100% of your anxious days, all of the "what in the world am I DOING WITH MY LIFE" moments and every single curveball you've dealt along the way. So if something is weighing on you right now...and you're wondering if you're capable...or if you can handle it. Please check your track record which PROVES that you've got this too." - Kacia Fitzgerald

Resource: Pressing Pause - 100 Quiet Moments for Moms to Meet Jesus

Ask Us Anything Anytime! https://philippifitness.wufoo.com/forms/ask-jamie-jules-anything/

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