Today was a tricky reading of two poems. I had a very difficult time saying 'equivovó for some reason. The profesora is very patient with me but we push to make the reading correct. Next week we will be learning to recite a Poem by Edgar Allen Poe. 

Here are the poems we worked on. 

 Se equivocó la paloma, de Rafael Alberti  [The dove was wrong, by Rafael Alberti ]
  Se equivocó la paloma.  [The dove was wrong. ]
  Se equivocaba.  [He was wrong. ]
  Por ir al Norte, fue al Sur.  [To go North, he went South. ]
  Creyó que el trigo era agua.  [He believed that wheat was water. ]
  Se equivocaba.  [He was wrong. ]
  Creyó que el mar era el cielo;  [He believed that the sea was the sky; ]
  que la noche la mañana.  [ than the night the morning. ]
  Se equivocaba.  [He was wrong. ]
  Que las estrellas eran rocío;  [ That the stars were dew; ]
  que la calor, la nevada.  [ than the heat, the snowfall. ]
  Se equivocaba.  [He was wrong. ]
  Que tu falda era tu blusa;  [That your skirt was your blouse; ]
  que tu corazón su casa.  [ let your heart be your home. ]
  Se equivocaba.  [ He was wrong. ]
  (Ella se durmió en la orilla.  [(She fell asleep on the shore. ]
  Tú, en la cumbre de una rama.)  [You, at the top of a branch.) ]

  11 Ir y quedarse, de Lope de Vega [ 11 Go and Stay, by Lope de Vega  ]
  Ir y quedarse, y con quedar partirse, [ Go and stay, and with staying leave,  ]
  partir sin alma, y ir con alma ajena, [leave without a soul, and go with another's soul,  ]
  oír la dulce voz de una sirena [hear the sweet voice of a siren  ]
  y no poder del árbol desasirse; [ and not being able to get rid of the tree;  ]
  arder como la vela y consumirse, [burn like the candle and consume,  ]
  haciendo torres sobre tierna arena; [ building towers on soft sand;  ]
  caer de un cielo, y ser demonio en pena, [ fall from a sky, and be a demon in pain,  ]
  y de serlo jamás arrepentirse; [and if it is, never repent;  ]
  hablar entre las mudas soledades, [ speak between the mute solitudes,  ]
  pedir prestada sobre fe paciencia, [ borrow on faith patience,  ]
  y lo que es temporal llamar eterno; [and what is temporary call eternal;  ]
  creer sospechas y negar verdades, [believe suspicions and deny truths,  ]
  es lo que llaman en el mundo ausencia, [ It is what they call absence in the world,  ]
  fuego en el alma, y en la vida infierno. [fire in the soul, and hell in life.  ]