Previous Episode: Sarah: Story of Timing

Last night I had a conversation with Rev. Dr. Stacey Edwards Dunn, founder of Fertility for Colored Girls (FFCG) an organization that provides financial, mental and community support for couples with fertility challenges. 

With the wake of the George Floyd tragedy, I began to think about how I can do my part to help; at times feeling like my podcast about fertility is insignificant in comparison to other problems happening in the world.

What I realized is that I can make sure Pollinated acknowledges and integrates the fertility challenges felt by women of all different races and ethnicities because what I know for sure is fertility challenges share no preference of color.

But what may be different are factors like the availability of treatment and community. 

In this episode Reverend Stacey and I talk about the African American culture around fertility conversations - she talks about a common myth among black women that makes struggling to conceive so hard to talk about- which is a large contributor to why she went through much of her IVF journey alone. 

I also ask Reverend Stacey about her faith in God and whether that was questioned on her journey. And listen until the end to hear Rev. Stacey’s message to my mom @theresasaghbini 

WARNING this episode contains amazingly hilarious interruptions from a toddler 

Remember I said we’re cultivating a fertile mind, body and sprit for our seeds to grow. Here is some food for your spirit. 

in this episode:

unexplained interfitility, IVF, ivfsuccesstory 

FFCG fertilityforcoloredgirls

visit their Website which has such great resources

Rev. Dr. Stacey’s book: Hold on to Hope