Episode 37 - Christmas Special with Wayne & Jake

Hello everyone, this is our Christmas episode where we go over our past year, talking about what's been going on, discussing some of the amazing guests we've had on and well, you know us, we have a right ole giggle...

This episode is certainly not to be missed, in this episode we bring you a world exclusive and a first time ever......special edition 'Rapid Fire not so Rapid Fire round' where both Jake and me put each other on the spot with .... well lets just say 10 very appropriate and not so appropriate questions.... we've never been in the line of fire for this before and you get the opportunity to hear us answer 10 questions each.....we do like to have a laugh thats for sure....

We take some listener questions, and with he festive spirit of Christmas upon us we do our best to answer them. lol..

If you just want to kick back, relax and listen to a fun not so serious Christmas episode with us about the Photography and Video world, then take your seat prime your ears and dive right in....

We also just want to thank you for your continued support over the year and give a big thanks to all our listeners old and new, Podlamania is growing in over 36 countries and we thank you for listening to us whittle on with our amazingly talented creative guests.

Keep your ears peeled for the 1st January 2021 with Episode 38 with the ever so talented Ex Super Model Tara Shannon, an amazing episode with an amazing women with stories from shoots with some of the worlds greatest Fashion Photographers. Its a double episode so don't miss out...

Don’t forget to head on over to our website www.podlamania.com and take a peek at all the new content coming all time and why not subscribe to keep in the loop, so you never miss another show or miss out on news and events we have coming up.

Remember, if have a question about anything Photography or Video/Cinema related, we’d love to hear them, you can send your questions to [email protected]

Thanks for listening and don't forget to give us a LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE on your chosen podcast player, it helps our rankings a lot and helps us grow and get noticed more.

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