Episode 36 Libby DeLana 
Award Winning Creative Director, designer, Art Director

Welcome to Episode 36, 

Today Jake and I are talking with the Award Winning Creative Director, Designer, Art Director and Co-Founder of Mechanica Libby DeLana.

Libby has been at the forefront of the Marketing 7 Advertising world for many decades, where her work has won many industry awards including OneShow, Cannes Lions, D&AD, Kelly, Webby, Hatch etc.. In addition she has been profiled by BBC for a series called "The Chain," where leading women figures name the woman who's inspired their success.

Even more impressive is that Libby has taken to going for a morning walk before work, a walk thats lasted for 9 years so far, which has led to her circumnavigating the earth. How many pairs of walking shoes is that?
If thats not enough Libby also recently started modelling as well, helping to put models, in their mature years, on the map with a huge impact.

Want to know about marketing your business, what the trends are and how to present yourself to get potential new clients, then this episode could be for you…

We enter Libby’s world to talk about clients and Ad campaigns, what’s the process what things do they need to know from clients to make a successful campaign and how things are changing in these current times of the digital age. Are there better ways to brand a company and not use stock photo libraries! 

We discuss things you should certainly be doing with your business, what clients expect as standard now from your shoot on set as a photographer, if your not filming BTS then maybe you should seriously be thinking about it.

Failure, is it a thing or just an opportunity to make something better, should the word ‘Failure’ be re-branded?

Don’t forget the Fun 10 question ‘Rapid Fire not so Rapid fire round’ in the middle of the show….we have some fun ones today that’s for sure.

LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/Parkhere

Instagram: @parkhere #thismorningwalk

Interviewed by Ageist Mag: https://www.weareageist.com/profile/libby-delana-walker-fly-fisher-flier-traveler-of-transportive-landscapes/

Written for Fast Company: https://www.fastcompany.com/90486748/ive-walked-the-circumference-of-the-earth-heres-what-it-taught-me-about-creativity-in-confinement

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