Podcast advertising is just one of many ways to grow your show's audience.

Growing an audience, ultimately, starts with creating good content on a consistent basis though. Then, if you make it easy to find and share, you'll struggle not to grow your audience.

However, many early-stage and aspiring podcasters don't like to hear that it can take months, or even years, to build an established listener-base.

Podcasting is a long game though, and “overnight success” is a myth in this medium.

Getting More Plays

There's no getting away from the above facts. But, for those willing to spend some money, it is possible to get more ears on your podcast in a short period of time.

Of course, your content will still need to do its job in making these listeners stick around to hit subscribe. But, you're listening to this podcast, so naturally, you've already got that part nailed down!

So, where can you actually run some podcast advertising? And which options are the most suited to you and your target audience?

What are the Paid Podcast Advertising Options?

The following list is ever-changing, ever-growing. At the time of writing, here are the best options available to you.

They're in no particular order, because in podcasting it's rarely ever a case of “the best”, and almost always a case of “it depends”.

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