A bit of a bonus episode to bring down the curtain on our Podcast Equipment Series.

You put a lot of work into creating your episodes, so let's have a chat about where (and how) your end product is actually consumed.

This episode starts with a discussion about why you should consider listening to less podcasts too. It was prompted by a great article by Greg Campion titled The Problem With Podcasts (thanks for the heads up, PodNews) and, for a deeper dive on this, check out the excellent Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport.

On to the listening apps, Colin uses BeyondPod (Android) whilst Matthew uses Overcast (iOS) and both were in agreement that things like playlist and playback-speed customisation, as well as individual show and download settings were key factors here.

From a podcaster perspective, you'll be listed in these apps (and most other apps) simply by being listed in iTunes/Apple Podcasts. You'll still need to submit to Stitcher and Spotify independently though. For more on this, check out our Best Podcast Directories roundup.

And, if you've enjoyed this episode, this season, or our content in general, remember you can work directly with us inside The Podcast Host Academy. That's where you'll find all our courses, community forum, downloadable resources, and can join in on our regular live Q&A sessions! 

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