What do drones have to do with podcasting, you ask? Well, if my visit to the Podcast Show 2022 is any measure, then I’m not the only person (by a long way!) interested in adding video to their podcasting workflow. And if we’re going to make video, we might as well explore every angle. Even the vertical.

So, I thought I’d delve in and figure out whether drones have a place in helping create better video around your podcast. These things aren’t cheap, and they aren’t for everyone. But if you have a show that suits, and the budget to buy, then they might be a way to create amazing video to help engage your listeners, and grow your show.

Let’s take a look at why you might use one, what you might create with it, and finish with a recommendation on what to buy. Time to fly!

Read our full guide to Drones & Podcasting