Every successful podcast has to be unique in some way. If there's no uniqueness, then there's no draw. There's no reason to listen.

And with over 700,000 podcasts in Apple Podcasts, you have to give people a reason to listen.

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Taking on a new podcast, as a listener, is a commitment. Don't underestimate that. It's giving up 20 minute of your time, at a minimum, to find out: is this any good? Is this going to make my life better?

Dramatic? Yea. But true? Undoubtedly.

They want a problem solved. Anything from the deep three – health, wealth and happiness – to the surface one – fighting boredom. They pick their problem, and they search a topic based on that. So, when they find your category, the question becomes: “Why should I listen to this particular show, and not one of the other squillion shows on video games?”

That's where your uniqueness comes in. It's what makes you stand out from the crowd. It's what attracts listeners to you like a moth to the flame.

Do you know what your uniqueness is? Or your unique selling proposition, as some call it? That's what we're here for.

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