Check out the full book - Podcast Growth: How to Grow Your Podcast Audience

This is where your love of your podcast’s topic will take the wheel. Let’s say you have a podcast about thrift (charity) shops. So you join a group on Facebook dedicated to unusual thrift shops. People post pictures and talk about great shops they’ve found, unusual things they’ve seen or bought in thrift shops, and so on. If you come in on day one saying “Hello everyone, I have a podcast about thrift shops and you all should listen to it,” you’ll just alienate people. What you owe it to yourself to do is read, watch, and see what the content and dynamic of the group are. How compatible are their discussions with your podcast? What are the big concerns? Are they talking about Goodwill vs. Salvation Army, or the prevalence of costume jewellery? You might find shop owners to interview, or topics to discuss on your podcast. When you feel comfortable, and you’ve added some value to the group, then mention that you have a podcast. 

Task List: 

Find a few online communities related to your podcast’s topic. Join them, follow the group guidelines, read and watch the group for a few weeks. Let yourself be inspired by what’s happening in the group. If there are discussions where you can honestly add value (i.e., “I know a great way to get stains out of velvet!”), then participate. Use your knowledge and expertise with compassion. 


Creating a 'Real Life' Podcast CommunityBuilding a Community Around Your PodcastDo Podcasters Need Social Media?

Check out the full book - Podcast Growth: How to Grow Your Podcast Audience

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