Every successful person from world leaders to coaches, athletes, artists, in all areas... are all achieving the same results from that special resource they've learnt to tap into time and time again! And I'm going to show you how [...]

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Live Life On Your Terms, Find Your True Gift!

In this article of Ultimate Lifestyle Success we discuss…

Finding your true gift

You may not know this but, every successful person from world leaders to coaches, athletes, artists, in all areas, whether it’s in finances, career, relationships, health, energy level… are all achieving the same results from that special resource they’ve learnt to tap into time and time again! .. And I’m going to show you how!

Why is it a must?

Finding your true gift is not only important but a crucial ingredient in both living the fulfilling life you deserve and achieving ultimate lifestyle success. So today I’d like to dedicate this article to helping you find your true gift.

Here’s the download link for the recording –

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Download The MP3 [ 12:04 Minutes – 11.1 MB ] (Just click to play on your iPad)

Podcast Transcript

I entitled this article “Finding your true gift” because within lies the genesis and foundation of how you will ultimately attain the lifestyle success you want and deserve. What does this mean, “Finding Your True Gift”? Where and how do you find it? How do you know it’s yours? How do you identify this gift? Finally, what tells you its true? Let’s break this down to bite size chunks so we can fully appreciate all the[…]

elements involved in creating the perfect picture.

I have a strong background in music, when I say strong I mean 28 years of performing and recording. For those tuning in for the first time you can hear or read more about this in the first episode/article,

How to achieve Ultimate Lifestyle Success Starting Now -INTRODUCTION“.

If I have peaked your curiosity somewhat we shall use that advantage to drive our next point home thus leaving all the fun details of my life in music for another post. I

promise you it will be worth it with a powerful story to learn from.

The Innocence of a Child

I am sure you have heard the saying “The innocence of a child” before well, there is a lot more we adults can learn from a child. One of the many is the way they breathe, hence the reason I brought up my life in music. One of the crucial elements in being a peak performer is breathing properly with many instruments but, especially with voice.

You see when we are born we naturally breath the way we are meant to breath and as we get older we literally teach ourselves through circumstance, time and repetition to get used to habitually breathing in an improper manner until it becomes the only way we know how.

Hmmm… I wonder how many things throughout the course of our life thus far have we grown accustomed to just doing things the way they are, even though it doesn’t feel great but, it’s the only way we now know how?

I think there is enough to learn from and expand upon just from that paragraph alone but we shall leave that topic for another time.

No Room For Fear

Another important lesson we can learn from a child, they know no fear. They have not yet been programmed by people or circumstances to be afraid and this, we shall elaborate on.

Finding your true gift will mean going back to childhood.

A place and time where everything was great, everybody loved you. You feared nothing because you knew no fear, you trusted everyone, you had no worries, you knew exactly what you loved and wanted in plenty and how they had to chase you around the kitchen when you were a kid, to get you to do something you didn’t want. You knew the kind of things you wanted to do again and again.

You didn’t think about it or ask yourself will it work, will I fail, how much time will it take or is it a worthwhile investment, will they laugh at me, can I really do this… NO! You just did it!

Why, because you loved it, it made you feel good, and you were really good at it.

You were not afraid to try new things again and again until you found something you were really good at. You even tried the same thing repeatedly because you discovered something new every time you did it. You were creative naturally, you didn’t think about it or wonder, you just created, discovered and conquered.

Have you ever noticed how a child can read the same story over and over and yet still find when they read it for the ninth time it’s still as exciting and fresh as if they were reading it for the very first time? Why is that?

It’s because every time they read that book again they discover something new, a new meaning, a new interpretation. A new twist that makes it more interesting, it stimulates different emotions and creates a new feeling.

What changed?

Not only did you NOT fear the unknown, you embraced it. The world and everything in it was your personal playground.

You were always willing to try (now interpreted as “taking a chance”) because there was no right or wrong, good or bad, just fun and exciting and if it didn’t turn out the way you expected, who cares… you got to learn and move on to something new, better, more fascinating.

Finally, you had all these things you tried, discovered, became really good at which brought new meaning to every little experience you had.

Then, there remained the select few things sometimes narrowing down to one, which brought you the most pleasure. I mean every time you did it you smiled from ear to ear, you were excited, you jumped up and down, you shrieked and the more you did it the better you got at it until you started to stand out from the crowd.

It was like wow, NO one does this like you. It’s your mark, your stamp, it’s you. It’s one of the many things that make you unique, different and special enabling you to touch others in a way that no one else can.

You started to notice this is you, this way you act, this thing you can do, is a part of you… It’s like it was always there and now that you discovered it, you can’t be you without it.

Talent VS. True Gift

Do not confuse this with talent. Talent is something you are really good at or can perform in a special way that you are either born with, work hard at or acquire along the way.

Your True Gift is what makes you who you are, not what you can do. It’s the unique heart and soul you came into this world with and there are no two alike.

Your True Gift is your life companion and guiding compass. It’s what gets you to jump… NO, leap out of bed in the morning with purpose, direction, strength and stamina to conquer the world.

Your True Gift is what impacts everything you do and all those around you.

It instills within you drive, passion and meaning with an empowering force to prevail.

In finding your true gift, you open the door to all possibilities in life because that foundation is the strength of your root and when the root is planted deep, it’s edifice stands tall with a proud gleam that is unwavering and an example for all to follow.


What is your-True Gift?

• Is it your smile

• The way you light up a room when you enter

• Your positive attitude

• Your compassion for others

• Your passion for life

• The way you play the piano

• Your strong will

• Caring for the underdog

• A unique skill

• Your memory

• Languages

• Art

• Poetry

• Philosophy

Can you make time stop?

What is it that you do that can make time stop? When you just think about it, all your worries, challenges and problems in the world subside. In that moment, you are queen or king! It changes the entire aura around you.

Hopefully this list can be the catalyst to open your mind in getting you to search deep within for… Your True Gift.

Find your true gift now… and change your life forever. In finding your True Gift, you can affect your career, relationships, health and finances. It’ll give you true happiness, a life with meaning, purpose, direction and joyous outcome every time.

So here are Your Action Steps for today;

1. Find “Your True Gift”

Spend a few minutes alone in a quiet place where you can be undisturbed.

Grab your iPad, netbook, or just an old fashioned pen and notepad.

Perhaps run through the list above to stimulate thought and emotion, and then jot down everything that comes to mind. Don’t stop to think, (you can go through it after to edit or narrow down) just type or write everything you can think of and see what you come up with.

2. Write down one area of your life where you can start applying it right now.

In the comments below please;

1. Share with me Your “True Gift” or the process that helped you discover it.

2. Tell me in what areas of your life you can or will apply it most.

I personally read through all the comments and look forward to reading about any thoughts you may like to share about today’s article, or subjects you would like me to include in future posts.

And you know I always ask,

Do something special…

Pay it forward, please share this article with a couple of friends, you never know who it may impact at just the right time.

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Then of course you can always click the print button and save this article.

And finally… If you’re just tuning in for the first time today…

There’s a BONUS I promised in the first podcast episode.

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and as soon as you do that…

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“The Ultimate Lifestyle Blueprint”.

I want to thank you for spending this time with me here today and, I hope you use the tips in this article to continue your journey in living the fulfilling life you deserve and achieving Ultimate Lifestyle success!

I look forward to talking to again you in the next Post!

Joseph Rose,

Finding Your True Gift

Here’s the download link for the recording –

Mp3 Download

Download The MP3 [ 12:04 Minutes – 11.1 MB ] (Just click to play on your iPad)

Joseph Rose is the founder of  Ultimate Lifestyle Success, has written for more

than eight years and earned his living from performances and coaching for over

two decades. You can follow Joseph on Twitter, Facebook and see him in action

at LifestyleSecrets.TV.

I entitled this podcast “Finding your true gift” because within lies the genesis and foundation of how you will ultimately attain the lifestyle success you want and deserve.

What does this mean, “Finding Your True Gift”? Where and how do you find it? How do you know it’s yours? How do you identify this gift? Finally, what tells you its true?

Let’s break this down to bite size chunks so we can fully appreciate all the

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